Project tab contains a list of tasks in a current project:
N - the order number of each task.
E - displays the current Ready State.
Res/State - displays the current Execution State(s) of a task.
V (Visibility) - Displays the current status of task visibility.
L (Locking) - Displays the current status of task task lockup.
Run - displays the current Running State of a task.
In - displays source of Input Data.
Out - displays destination of Output Data.
ID - displays unique ID of a task in a project.
Task Name - displays the name of a task.
Pass - displays number of completed passes / total number of passes.
Results column contains shortcuts to task results (output):Processing - time it took to process task.
Last Start Time - last time when task started.
This is a status of task's readiness for execution:
Not Ready. Some required properties are not defined and/or some of their values are set incorrectly. | |
Ready. All required properties were defined. | |
Enabled. This task will be run during the execution of a project or the task is completed. |
This is current execution status of a task. Move the mouse cursor over a status icon to display details.
The task has not been started. | |
Completed. The task was completed without errors or warnings. | |
Completed with Warnings. Some warnings or errors occurred during task execution, and at least one pass has finished without errors. Put a mouse over the icon to see a diagnostic message. Ńlick the shortcut in Results column to open a log file. | |
Completed With Error. There are no passes that finished without errors. Every pass of the task were been executed with errors. A task has no meaningful results to use or to send to a pipeline. Put a mouse over the icon to see a diagnostic message. Ńlick the shortcut in Results column to open a log file. See also Results Tab for more information. | |
Program Expired. Program Evaluation period is expired. |
The visibility status switches the task display in the “Pipeline” tab.
View Task. Make task visible in the "Pipeline" tab. | |
Hide Task. Make task invisible in the "Pipeline" tab. |
. Task is not locked. | |
. Regular task lock. | |
. Task is Frozen. |
Lockup status is duplicated at task icon in the "Pipeline" tab.
A task can be both regularly locked and “frozen”.
Regular lockup means the locked task is not to be processed, task parameters can not be edited (excluding addition/removal pipe-links), execution flag can not be set, data can not be removed. Task can be deleted.
"Frozen" lockup does the same, but, in addition, it makes the following commands inactive: Lock All Tasks, Unlock All Tasks, Invert Lock and Special Lock/Unlock.
In Progress. The task is being run now. | |
Aborted. User aborted a task on the first pass. No results to use or to send to a pipeline. |
At the task image in the "Pipeline" tab, the information of the "E", "Run" ("Run" status only) and "L" columns is duplicated.
If a task is part of a pipeline, state of input data is displayed here. icon means that a task uses an output of one pipe as input data, means that it uses more than one input pipe. Shaded icons ( ) mean that all input data are ready but are not currently in use by other task, blue symbols ( ) mean that input data are currently being used by running task, red symbols ( ) mean that some data are not ready.
This column has the same meaning as the "Input Data" column, but for output data of a task.