
Input file

Input file. The  inProtocol file defines protocol of mdyn  calculations.  
Default file name ./MdynPar.inp .        
inProtocol file consist of sequense of lines. Line starts from keyWord [and its value].    
Example of inProtocol file:     
#MdynPar.inp for HomologyModel refinement
$fullProtMD                                              ! 
$harmAt1PosRst=0.25                                      !harmConst (kcal/A^2)
$shake=2                                                 !0/1/2
#$SolvateExWat=4.5                                       !ExplicitWaterShell 4.5A
$SolvGBorn                                               !SolvGBorn
$MDSA                                                    !do SimAnnealing
$nOptStep=1                                              !max N optim steps
$aSoftCore=1.0                                           ! 1.0= standart VDW, < 1.0 -0.0-softCore 
$initMDTemp=10.00                                        ! initial temperature in K
$bathMDTemp=50.00                                        ! bath termostat temperature
$runMDnstep=2000                                         ! number mdyn time step to run
$mdTimeStep=0.002                                        ! md time step
$NTV=1                                                   ! statistical ensemble type NTV/NEV = 1/0
$nwtra=500                                               ! write on HD protein structur in pdb format for each nwtra mdstep
NOTE that parameter file formatted, i.e. $ sign should be in the firs position of the line  No SPACE to assign value after keyword.
parameter file consists of lines starting from the $ simbol and keyWord
keyWord can be two types: logical  and digital
$MovingRes                 ! logical  required special file to define moving RESidues list
$harmAt1PosRst=0.25        ! digital  NO SPACE to assign value for keyword

keyWord  switch on a respective modul of program,
some keyWord switch on moduls which in turn needs some special User defined 
file to work properly.

$fullProtMD                             !defines FULL (i.e. ALL atoms) of the USER molecule 
                                         will be free to move in energy relaxation or molDyn
$MovingRes                              ! logical keyWord defines that ONLY  a defined set of RESidue are free to move
                                          this keyWord is coupled with file -mv moveRes in the argument line of 
                                          the program mdynSB0
				          default name for moveRes file is ./moveRes.inp
#example of ./moveRes.inp
MOVRES   1  10       !line defines first and last resudues of moving segment
MOVRES  45  76
MOVRES 115 260
$harmAt1PosRst=0.25  ! digital keyWord define RESidue segments with 1 atom position harmonic restrants.
                                     0.25 = harmonic restrain Constant K
                                     restrEnergy = 0.5*K(r - r0)**2,
                                     the reference position r0 = initialXYZinput.pdb - positions from 
                                     the initial INPut PDB file which defines INItial structure of molecule

                                     this keyWord is coupled with file -r inRestrain of the argument line of 
                                     the program mdynSB05
                                     default name for inRestrain file is ./restrAt1.inp  
EXample of inRestrain file:
#harmonically restrained RESidue segments
RESTAT   1   63  PBB           ! line starts from keyWord RESTAT numbers=first/last residue of segment
                               ! PBB (only protein backbone atoms are restrained, i.e. side chains are free)
RESTAT  78 120  ALL            ! ALL (all atoms are restrained)

$Hread    ! defines that all Hydrogens will be read from input molecule structure -c inPDB   file
                otherwise the ALL HYDrogens will be restored by the program mdynSB05
                RECOMENDED: at the first run of a protein with unknown (or partially known) Hydrogen atom.
				start the mdynSB with off $Hread option, i.e. 
$shake=2    ! invoke shake subroutine to keep bonds fixed. shake=1  X--Hydr bonds, (shake=2 all bonds) are fixed

$zeroRot   ! invoke procedure to stop overal rotation and translation of molecule

$SolvateExWat=4.5   ! build explicit water solvation shell of 4.5 A around protein molecule


$SolvGS         ! invoke implicit  Gaussian Shell solvation model
$SolvWbrg       ! implicit  WaterBridges between polar atoms
$SolvGBorn      ! implicit Generalized Born model + SAS HydroPhobic solvation


$mdRestart    ! restart molDynamics from the last snapshot  mdXYZVfin.pdb 
                the file mdXYZVfin.pdb should be copied to the file mdyn inRestart file 

$doMDyn       ! do molecular dynamics
$MDSA         ! do Molecular Dynamical Simulated Annealing
              ! coupled with file -sa SAprotocol which define protocol of the simulated annealing

Example of SAprotocol.inp  file
#SA protocol
#ntimeMX    tempTg  SCvdW wfHb128BB wfhB128BS
100000      500.0     0.8    1.0     1.0
100000      100.0     1.0    1.0     1.0
   ntimeMX - number of md timeStep
   tempTg  - target temperature in K, this temperature will be reach during ntimeMX steps
   SCvdW   - parameter 0 - 1 to defile softness of the van der waals potential. Soft potential 
             modifies Potential Energy Surface decrease a barriers of conformational transitions
   wfHb128BB, wfhB128BS - scaling factors for BackBone-BackBone and BackBone-SideChain Hydrogen Bond energy  

* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-c inPDB   file  - standart pdb file
ATOM      1  N    GLY A   1      11.726 -10.369  10.598     
ATOM      2  H1   GLY A   1      11.921 -11.015   9.807    
ATOM      3  H2   GLY A   1      12.518 -10.395  11.271      
ATOM      4  H3   GLY A   1      10.852 -10.663  11.079     
ATOM      5  CA   GLY A   1      11.567  -9.015  10.090   
ATOM      6  HA2  GLY A   1      10.772  -8.977   9.420  
ATOM      7  HA3  GLY A   1      12.439  -8.710   9.612      
ATOM      8  C    GLY A   1      11.280  -8.099  11.303     
ATOM      9  O    GLY A   1      11.256  -8.584  12.493    
ATOM     10  N    VAL A   2      11.060  -6.876  11.020   
ATOM     11  H    VAL A   2      11.066  -6.574  10.025  
TER                 ! CHAIN TERmination
ATOM   1302  N   GLY A  94      10.957 -15.678  12.832       
ATOM   1303  H   GLY A  94      10.735 -14.663  12.877      
ATOM   1304  CA  GLY A  94      10.193 -16.559  11.950     
ATOM   1305  HA2 GLY A  94       9.428 -16.004  11.516    
ATOM   1306  HA3 GLY A  94       9.784 -17.323  12.525   
ATOM   1307  C   GLY A  94      11.016 -17.184  10.843        
TER                 ! CHAIN TERmination
END                 ! file  END
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 
saProtocol file:

saProtocol file . User defined protocol for simulated annealing molecular dynamics.                                                                                   Default file name ./Saprotocol.inp                                                                                                                                                              Example of SAprotocol.inp  file
#SA protocol
#ntimeMX    tempTg  SCvdW wfHb128BB wfhB128BS
100000      500.0     0.8    1.0     1.0
100000      100.0     1.0    1.0     1.0
   ntimeMX - number of md timeStep
   tempTg  - target temperature in K, this temperature will be reach during ntimeMX steps
   SCvdW   - parameter 0 - 1 to defile softness of the van der waals potential. Soft potential 
             modifies Potential Energy Surface decrease a barriers of conformational transitions
   wfHb128BB, wfhB128BS - scaling factors for BackBone-BackBone and BackBone-SideChain Hydrogen Bond energy
PDB file - inPDB file Default name ./molec.pdb
moveRes file - moveRes file. User defined moving residue segments Default name ./moveRes.inp.

Restrain file:

inRestrain file. Default name ./restrAt1.inp                                                                                                                                                         # * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
-r inRestrain ( ./restrAt1.inp )
User defined harmonically restrained RESidue segments. Atom positions are harmonically restrained around initial positions (coordinates) with harmonic constant defined in the ./MdydPar.inp  file
RESTAT   1 119  PBB CA                  : ProtBackBone CA restrained
RESTAT 131 175  ALL                     : ALL atoms restrained
RESTAT 191 216  ALL                     : ALL atoms
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * 

Info file - OutPut file
Result log file - OutPut file
Detail log file - OutPut file
Molecule name - molecule name myMolec. The name will be added to the left of all files generated by the program, I.e. sequence of molecular dynamics trajectory snapshot files myMolec_mdResXXXX.pdb, molecular dynamic trajectory energy file myMolec_engMd.tra, the final result of mdynSB rum file myMolec_mdXYZVfin.pdb